Volleyball (Beginner)



Spike First Volleyball believe in the Long Term Athlete Development Model and help to cultivate a culture of lifelong participation by highlighting the value of sports in improving health and well being. It will ensure that all individuals achieve physical literacy and are well-grounded in the basics of movement and fundamental skills for Volleyball, enabling a life-long enjoyment and identifying an optimal path for athletes to meet their goals.

Whether you are new to volleyball or are a returning player, Spike First Volleyball is offering different levels from FUNdamental to Advanced classes.

Programs & Registration

FUN Spikers (G3 - G5)

FUNdamental stage: Introduction to the sport of Volleyball where we will encourage the development of fundamental movement and skills through fun and participation with mini volleyball games. It will help the student's to develop physical literacy, learn all the fundamentals of movement and build overall motor skills.

Spike First Volleyball (Sun) - FUN-Spikers (Grade 3-5)

  • Time: 09:15 - 10:15
  • Venue: HKIS High School Gym (Tai Tam Campus)
  • Address: 1 Red Hill Road, Tai Tam
  • Dates: Sep 1, 8, 15, 22, Oct 13, 20, 27, Nov 3, 10, 17, 24, Dec 1, 8, Jan 12, 19 (15 classes)
  • Cost/student: $3,900


Beginner Spikers (G6 - G8)

Learn to Train stage: An Initiation to introduce and learn basic volleyball skills. This will include. mental, cognitive and emotional development as well as an introduction to mental preparation.

Spike First Volleyball (Sun) - Beginner Spikers (Grade 6-8)

  • Time: 10:30 - 12:00 (AM Group) or 15:00 - 16:30 (PM Group)
  • Venue: HKIS High School Gym (Tai Tam Campus)
  • Address: 1 Red Hill Road, Tai Tam
  • Dates: Sep 1, 8, 15, 22, Oct 13, 20, 27, Nov 3, 10, 17, 24, Dec 1, 8, Jan 12, 19 (15 classes)
  • Cost/student: $4,500


Intermediate Spikers (G7 - G12)

Train to Train stage: Building an aerobic base, develop speed and to further develop and consolidate volleyball skills. Aerobic training becomes a priority while maintaining or further developing levels of speed, strength, and flexibility. Basic individual volleyball skills and tactics are consolidated. The 6 vs 6 game is introduced creating the need to learn team systems and position specialization.

Spike First Volleyball (Sun) - Intermediate Spikers (Grade 7-12)

  • Time: 10:30 - 12:00 (AM Group) or 15:00 - 16:30 (PM Group)
  • Venue: HKIS High School Gym (Tai Tam Campus)
  • Address: 1 Red Hill Road, Tai Tam
  • Dates: Sep 1, 8, 15, 22, Oct 13, 20, 27, Nov 3, 10, 17, 24, Dec 1, 8, Jan 12, 19 (15 classes)
  • Cost/student: $4,500


Advanced Spikers (G8 - G12)

Learn to Compete stage: Consolidate the fitness preparation and volleyball skills. Increase training intensities to optimum levels. Volleyball skill variations and advanced tactics are introduced and are performed under a variety of competitive conditions during training. More complex team systems are learned. Training should be position specific. Fitness, recovery, psychological, and technical development programs are individually tailored to a greater degree.

Spike First Volleyball (Sun) - Advanced Spikers (Grade 8-12)

  • Time: 13:00 - 15:00
  • Venue: HKIS High School Gym (Tai Tam Campus)
  • Address: 1 Red Hill Road, Tai Tam
  • Dates: Sep 1, 8, 15, 22, Oct 13, 20, 27, Nov 3, 10, 17, 24, Dec 1, 8, Jan 12, 19 (15 classes)
  • Cost/student: $5,400




Course Offerings