Frequently Asked Questions

When will Term 1 Activities resume?

Term 1 Activities are scheduled to commence on September 1, 2024.

What are the Term dates for 2024 - 2025?

Term 1 Activities -  September 1st - January 19th
Term 2 Activities - February 3rd - May 30th

When will the websites be updated with the new term activities?

The program website is normally updated 3 weeks prior to the published registration open dates for Term 1 and Term 2 activities.

How do I register my child for an ASA Activity?

To register for Activities, please click on “All Activities” in this catalog to view the programs on offer. You will be able to filter your search and identify programs of interest before the Term 1 and Term 2 published registration dates.

When registration opens you can click on the Activity you would like to enroll in, after which you will be redirected to a registration form or page with more information. Please note these are normally conducted on a first-come first-serve basis.

If you experience any difficulties locating the registration form, please send an email to




After School Activities (ASAs)

HKIS believes After School Activities (ASAs) are integral to the total education experience for students. The ASA program supports the actualization of the school’s mission, vision and student learning results (SLRs). These activities provide opportunities for students to explore and pursue areas of interest in diverse environments, promoting the development of both collaborative and individual knowledge and skills.

What is an ASA?

After School Activities at the Lower & Upper Primary level should focus on inclusivity, and provide progressive development in foundation skills, delivered in a safe and fun environment. The 3:00 pm Activities are inclusive and are not ability-based or selection-based in nature.

The Extra-Curricular Activities at HKIS encompass a wide range of areas that focus on the all-round development of our students. In line with the school's vision, the ECAs offered are classified into the following categories:

  1. Culinary Arts
  2. Health & Wellness
  3. Oratory Arts
  4. Performing Arts
  5. Physical Activity
  6. S.T.E.M.
  7. Service & Spirituality
  8. Visual Arts

Does my child need to be fully vaccinated to attend an ASAs?

Please check out the HKIS Central website, where the most updated information is shared with the community.

Can I accompany my child to a weekend ASA?

Yes a parent/guardian can accompany a child to campus provided they adhere to visitor procedures in place

Where will Upper Primary After School Care take place?

After School Care will take place from 3:00pm - 4:00pm, Monday through Friday in the Upper Primary Dining Hall (4th Floor). Students will be directed to their respective activities 5 minutes before they are scheduled to begin. All Grade 3-5 students registered in a 4:00pm Activity will automatically be registered for ASC.

How does my child transition to a 4pm Activity from a 3pm Activity?

There are occasions when students will transition to a 4pm activity directly from their 3 pm class.  This information will need to be provided directly to the 3pm ASA provider as your child's 4pm mode of Dismissal. With this information the ASA providers and staff will transition your child to a 4pm activity

Is After School Care mandatory for my child?

After School Care is NOT mandatory, but is recommended for all students who are unable to return to school in time for their 4:00pm activity.

If you would like to withdraw your child from After School Care, please click here and fill out this form.

Do I need to register for After School Care?

All Grade 3-5 students registered in a 4:00pm Activity will automatically be registered as eligible to attend ASC. You may however withdraw your child if you are not going to use it every week by completing this form

What should I do if my child is at school but will not attend their regular 3pm Activity?

As a general rule those students who are registered for a 3 pm ASA will not be permitted to ride the 3pm without prior approval. Please complete the following notification form 24 hours in advance if your child will not be attending their 3pm ASA

 With the information updated your child will be recorded as not having an ASA that day and their classroom teacher will direct them to their regular dismissal at 3pm. There is no need to make a bus change or inform the Bus company, the system will note the absence from the ASA office and the child will appear on their regular 3pm bus list.

Form: here

What if it is an emergency change required on the day?

In the case of an emergency, if the decision to not attend a 3pm ASA is made on the day of the activity taking place, parents should send an email to the classroom Teacher, Teacher Assistant, and the Activities Office and wait for a confirmation that the request has been received.

What if my child is absent from school?

If a child is absent from school all day, there is no need for parents to contact the Activities Office. Their child's absence will be noted by the classroom teacher on the ASA transition slips in Lower Primary and recorded on the absentee list in Upper Primary.

Where is the location for private pick up & walkers at 4pm?

All children being picked up by private transport, or those who are registered walkers, will be dismissed from the 5th Floor Upper Primary Side Gate

If there is a closure of schools and activities are canceled, will I be refunded?

Most of our Activities are run by 3rd Party Providers, who have devised their own Terms & Conditions for registration. Please remember to carefully read through these before you register your child for an Activity as this will comprise information about refunds and/or make-up classes.

How do I register for Football, Basketball, and Aquatics?

These programs should be registered for using the Schoolsbuddy platform, and your account should already be activated. If you haven’t received your Schoolsbuddy account information, or are experiencing issues logging in, please reach out to

All other activities, except for Football, Basketball, & Aquatics can be registered for by accessing the registration forms posted on the respective activity provider’s website.

Is there a 4pm bus available?

Yes, the 4:00pm bus service will resume this term. For any bus-related queries, please reach out to HKIS' Bus Coordinator - Kenny Chu - at

Which 4:00pm bus has my child been assigned to?

You can find information about your child's 4pm bus highlighted in a square box on their bus tag. An image of an example has been enclosed for your reference below.

4PM bus number