ASA Dismissal Procedures
- At the Repulse Bay Campus, we have up to 6 dismissal times each afternoon from 4:00 pm through to 6:30 pm.
- To learn more about the specific departure procedures for each time slot please select one of the following tabs below:
Dismissal Procedures - 4:00 pm
There are four (4) options for dismissal at 4:00 pm:
- Bus
- Registered Walker
- Private Car Pick-up
- Transition to a 4:00 pm ASA on campus
1. Bus - 4:00 pm
We strongly encourage all registered bus riders to ride the 4:00 pm bus to help reduce traffic and congestion on the surrounding roads.
Regular bus riders registered in a 3:00 pm Activity will automatically be registered to ride their regular 4:00 pm bus home unless otherwise notified. One-off Private car pick-up change request should be submitted through SchoolsBuddy, 24 hours in advance of the class. For permanent change from bus to pickup, please email
Students must ride their assigned 4:00 pm bus home, no bus-to-bus changes can be requested at this time.
If you do not want your child to ride the 4 pm bus all the way home on any given day, please reach out to Kwoon Chong Motors (Bus Service Provider) in advance at , to see if a suitable earlier stop exists on their regular 4:00 pm route.
The 4:00 pm bus number is printed on a box on each child’s bus card.
Please see the example below:
2. Walkers - 4:00 pm
If your child is a registered walker, they may depart the Upper Primary Campus 5th Floor side gate at 4:00 pm.
Please advise the activity provider if your child has permission to depart on their own, or if they require a parent or guardian to collect them at the dismissal point.
Upper Primary 5th Floor side gate street view
3. Dismiss to a 4:00 pm ASA
Students registered to attend a 4:00 pm ASA will be dismissed to the Upper Primary 5th floor at the end of the 3:00 pm class.
Our After School Care Leaders on the 5th Floor Playground will supervise these students and help direct them to their 4:00 pm venue.
Please do not ask your child to go directly to their 4:00 pm class.
Dismissal Procedures - 4:45, 5:00, & 5:30 pm
All students will depart through the Lower Primary at these times.
The two (2) modes of dismissal include:
- 1 Walker (dismissed LP stairs)
Walkers - students who have a label on their school bag indicating that they can walk home unaccompanied may be released at the top of the lower Primary stairs. Those who require a guardian must be handed into the care of a guardian at the bottom of the Lower Primary main staircase.
- 2 Car pick-up (LP bus lay-by)
Private Car Pick-up - Drivers should adhere to the directions of security staff and other HKIS staff managing traffic. The school utilizes a rolling pick-up system that takes place in the Lower Primary bus lay-by (pictured below).
Cars should display their child's class end time on the dash to help staff direct them accordingly. Please see an example of the signs that can be collected from the bus layby the first two weeks of each term:
While the class will end at the published time, students will take 5 -10 minutes to transition to the pickup point, so please do not enter the bus layby area too early or you will be asked to roll around with the cars picking up students at an earlier dismissal.
Private Car Pick-Up - 4:45 pm, 5:00 pm, & 5:30 pm
- All students leaving South Bay Close by car will be directed to the Lower Primary Bus Lay-by for collection.
- Parents should remain in their cars and collect their children from the Lower Primary Bus Lay-by.
- No students should exit the Lower Primary stairs and walk to a stationary car on the roadside.
- We aim to create a “Loop” between the roundabout at the bottom of the hill and the school bus Lay-by. This system allows access for those dropping students off for activities, our residents returning to campus, and our neighbors to access their homes without crossing onto the wrong side of the road to pass stationary cars.
- It will take at least 5 -10 minutes for students to transition from their activity to the pick-up point. Please do not arrive early.
- If you do arrive early, we recommend that you turn right and go under the bridge and follow the road around where you can wait in your car outside the “Loop”.
- Turn right to the side road to avoid the "Loop"
- To reduce traffic congestion, please refrain from parking and/or waiting on the hill.
- Please help those who did turn right and waited behind the Upper Primary to merge back into the “loop” when they approach the intersection. Alternatively, these cars can turn left and go around the roundabout at the bottom of the hill.
Walkers - 4:45 pm, 5:00 pm, & 5:30 pm
If your child is a registered walker and they already have permission to walk home unaccompanied, they will be allowed to depart on their own.
If your child is not a registered walker, but you would like them to use public transport from Repulse Bay Road, please advise your activity provider that they can depart unaccompanied. They can then depart the Campus via the Lower Primary front stairs during the 4:45 pm, 5:00 pm, & 5:30 pm dismissals.
Please do not ask your child to walk out to the road and collect them via car.
This system may be interrupted when on-campus parent events are scheduled for late afternoon or early evening. Please be patient in these instances, as staff may ask you to circle the bottom roundabout to ensure the traffic can flow and parents can drop off and pick up.
Dismissal Procedures - 6:00 pm & 6:30 pm
- The Bus Lay-by gates are closed during these pick-up times. Please park close to the Lower Primary entrance gates, and try to leave a suitable space between cars when waiting on the hill to reduce the impact on the flow of traffic.
Please be mindful of students crossing the road as you approach the school.
You can work directly with your child’s activity leader to discuss any dismissal requirements.
ASA Dismissal Procedures - Term 1, 2024
The following procedures for the 4pm dismissal will be utilized until the end of Term 1, 2024/25. The new procedures outlined above will become the standard operating procedures for Term 2.
At The Repulse Bay Campus, we have up to 6 dismissal times each afternoon from 4:00 pm through to 6:30 pm.
- To learn more about the specific Departure procedures for each time please select one of the following tabs below:
Dismissal Procedures Term 1 - 4:00 pm
There are currently four (4) options for Dismissal at 4:00 pm:
- Bus (4:00 pm)
- Walker
- Private Car Pick-up
- Transition to a 4:00 pm Activity on campus
1. Bus - 4:00 pm
We strongly encourage all registered bus riders to ride the 4:00 pm bus to help reduce traffic and congestion on the surrounding roads.
Regular bus riders registered in a 3:00 pm Activity will automatically be registered to ride their regular 4:00 pm bus home unless otherwise notified.
Students must ride their assigned 4:00 pm bus home, no bus-to-bus changes can be requested, at this time.
If you do not want your child to ride the 4 pm bus all the way home on any given day, please reach out to Kwoon Chong Motors (Bus Service Provider) in advance at , to see if a suitable stop exists on their regular 4:00 pm route.
One-off Private car pick-up change request should be submitted through the "Change of Regular 4 pm dismissal system", 24 hours in advance of the class. To learn more please click here.
The 4:00 pm bus number is printed in a square box on each child’s bus card.
Please see the example below:
2. Walkers - 4:00 pm
If your child is a registered walker they may depart the Upper Primary School 5th Floor side gate at 4:00 pm.
You will need to advise the activity provider if your child has permission to depart on their own or if they require a parent or guardian to escort them.
3. Private car Pick Up - 4:00 pm
We strongly recommend that all students depart by bus at 4:00 pm.
If your child must use private car pick-up at 4:00 pm please inform the activity provider during the registration process so that they may record this regular change of dismissal for your child.
The activity provider will record this as your regular 4:00 pm method of dismissal and direct your child to the Upper Primary 5th floor side gate at 4:00 pm.
It is important that receipt of this pick-up request is confirmed by the provider, otherwise, your child may be directed to their regular 4:00 pm bus.
If you only require this as a one-off change back to your regular 4pm bus. Please submit your request through the "ASA Repulse Bay Change of 4pm dismissal system", 24 hours in advance of the class. There is no need to email the bus company, ASA Providers, Activities Office, or your child's Classroom Teacher. This information will be shared through our centralized system when the request is confirmed.
Please see the following map for directions and remember it is safer to drive to the end of the road and use the turning circle to return and collect your child.
Upper Primary 5th Floor side gate aerial view
Upper Primary 5th Floor side gate street view
4. Transition from a 3:00 pm Activity to a 4:00 pm Activity
If you are in this situation please contact the 3:00 pm Activity provider and advise that your 4:00 pm dismissal method is to a 4:00 pm activity and ask them to direct your child to the Upper Primary 5th floor at the end of the 3:00 pm class.
Our After School Care Leaders on the 5th Floor Playground will supervise these students and help direct them to their 4 pm venue.
Please do not ask your child to go directly to their 4:00 pm class.