Registration Essentials

The information below will help ensure that you can seamlessly enroll your child into one of our Extra-Curricular Activities (ECA) programs. If there is specific information you are looking for and are unable to locate below, please reach out to

1. How To Register

All registrations are conducted directly with the activity providers, most of whom represent independent companies. While registration may be ongoing throughout the year, it is conducted on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you would like your child to start the program on the first day, please make sure you register before the published registration deadline for each term.

Please follow the procedures outlined below to process your applications.

Registration Process 

Step 1: Go through the various programs on the Activities Brochure. You can find the best fit by filtering different fields at the top of the table

Step 2: Once you have selected the program you would like to enroll your child in, click on the particular program on the Transition Schedule.

Step 3: You will be redirected to a page that comprises the course information & registration forms. Look for the ‘REGISTER HERE’ button on the page, and you will be redirected to the third-party provider’s registration form.

Should you wish to enroll your child in an activity during the term, and space is available, please register at least 72 hours before the day you would like your child to begin. This gives providers enough time to process registration information and reach out to you with confirmation and payment information.

Please note, if you wish to enroll your child in the Aquatics program (Learn to Swim, Learn to Train, Water Polo, Junior Lifeguarding) please refer to the Aquatics pages of this brochure for registration details.

Terms & Conditions

Many of our Activities are run by Third Party Providers, who have their own Terms & Conditions for registration. Please remember to carefully read through these before you register your child for an Activity.

Schoolsbuddy Registration

The programs operated by HKIS require students to be registered through Schoolsbuddy. These include:

HKIS Aquatics
Southside Hawks Basketball Academy
Tiger Soccer Academy

Activities located in Tai Tam

The Activities offered at Tai Tam during the week are primarily to serve those who live in the area. However, we understand that some students may make a bus change request to attend these classes. It is important that students are met at the designated bus stop so they can be safely directed to their activity. These 3:00 pm bus change requests are made directly with the Repulse Bay Bus Coordinator and are not shared with the Activities Office. Make sure to use the actual published program dates to make any bus change requests.

4:00pm Activities for Lower Primary Students

These Activities have been established for students who can easily return to school. Lower Primary students are not permitted to remain on campus and wait for a 4:00 pm activity. If you live further away from HKIS, we encourage you to locate an activity near your home. You can contact the companies providing services at HKIS to see if they have a venue near you.

2. Bus Information

While the Repulse Bay campus does not mandate bus riding at 4:00 pm, it is highly encouraged whenever possible. The 4:00 pm bus number can be found on your child's bag tag, it is the number contained in the square on the right-hand side.

Please note - your child is only eligible to ride the 4:00 pm bus listed on their bag tag. Bus-to-bus changes are not permitted at 4:00 pm.

Do I need to make a bus change request to attend a 3:00 pm Activity?

For 3:00 p.m. Activities in Repulse Bay:

No, there is no need to submit a bus change for these Activities. The classroom teacher is made aware of all student activity schedules daily through the Activities database. Using this information, students will be transitioned into the care of the providers.

After class Activity providers will escort students to their 4 p.m. buses in Repulse Bay.

Please ensure that you provide your child's 4:00 pm dismissal details to the Activity Office and to your Activity provider. Please note that students are only allowed to ride the 4:00 pm bus listed on their bag tag.

If your child is unable to attend his/her scheduled 3 p.m. class, but will be at school that day, please submit a Planned Absence Notification Form.

If you need to change your child's regular 4:00 pm mode of dismissal, please submit a Change of Regular 4pm Dismissal Form.

For 4:00 p.m. Activities in Repulse Bay:

Students registered in a 4:00 pm paid Activity are eligible to attend after-school-care (ASC) while they wait for their Activity. When students are dismissed from their homeroom class at 2:50 pm they should report to the Upper Primary Dining Hall for After School Care where they will register their attendance with the care supervisor. These students will be dismissed 5 minutes before their scheduled 4:00 pm Activity.

Students who are not registered in a 3:00 pm Activity or After-School-Care cannot remain at school for any reason (e.g. to play, to wait to be picked up, etc.). Students must go home upon dismissal.

How Do I Register For After School Care?

All students registered in a 4:00 pm Activity in Repulse Bay will automatically be registered for ASC. If your child can go home and return at 4:00 pm, or has a 3:00 pm Activity and you would like to withdraw them from this service, please email for follow-up.

Activities located at HKIS TT campus that cater to Lower & Upper Primary students:

Parents must submit an end-of-school day bus change request through the online system at the following link.

These students should be met by an authorized adult and escorted to their activity. We strongly recommend that you do not ask an Activity provider to collect students on your behalf. The bus does not normally arrive before 3:30pm.

For Off-Campus Activities - including those provided by companies that also operate at HKIS.

Parents must submit an end-of-school day bus change request through the online system at the following link.

These students should be met by an authorized adult and escorted to their activity. We strongly recommend that you do not ask an off-campus activity provider to collect students on your behalf.

For One-off Playdates:

Parents must submit an end of school day bus change request through the online system at the following link to arrange for students to ride home together for playdates. However, please note that If your child would normally attend a 3 p.m. activity that day, this change request will override their activity schedule.

Please email the Activities Office ( at least 24 hours in advance to avoid any confusion, and copy in the classroom teacher noting the change, once you receive from the bus coordinator the confirmation of the change.

Please note that your requests will normally be processed within 24 hours and that a bus change or dismissal change is not confirmed unless you receive written confirmation.

3. Daily Operations

By 12:00pm - the Homeroom EA’s will have printed off dismissal slips for each activity relevant to the children in their class.  These will explicitly state whether a child is to attend or not attend their 3:00pm afternoon Activity for that day.

For Lower Primary Students (G1 & G2)
At 2:50pm - The Activity provider will make their way to the communal area of the 5th and/or 6th floor to meet their students. A staff member from the Activities Office will also be present on each floor to help facilitate the transition.

The Homeroom EAs will escort the students to the Communal area where they will hand the dismissal slips and students into the care of the provider.

At this stage, the Provider will cross-reference the dismissal slips, current register, and headcount. Any discrepancies are addressed with the EA and further raised with the Activities Office staff if needed.

Once all expected students are present, the provider will head to their activity venue.

At 3:50pm - The Activity provider will start to prepare for dismissal and will escort the students to the Pick-Up, Bus or 4pm ASA point. All dismissal information for students will be managed by the program providers. Any changes should be confirmed by the provider in writing before 12 noon.

Should the Activity provider encounter any issues - late buses or pick-ups for example - Activities Office staff are on hand to assist. If pickups are expected to be significantly late, student(s) will be released to the care of the Activities Office where they will be supervised until they are collected.

For Upper Primary Students (G3-5)

At 2:30pm - The EA will inform the children where they need to go based on the dismissal slips printed earlier in the day.  UP children will make their way to where they need to be. The options are: After-School-Care, 3:00 pm Bus, or 3:00 pm Activity.

At 3:50 pm - Children with a 4:00 pm activity will be directed to the Upper Primary 5th floor playground by their 3:00 pm Activity leader and will wait there for their 4:00 pm instructor.  Children being picked up by car will be collected from the Upper Primary 5th floor side gate, walkers will be directed to the bottom of the Lower Primary stairs, and bus riders will be taken to the buses.

4. Getting to HKIS

HKIS has two campuses - Repulse Bay & Tai Tam. To view directions to each of these campuses, please see below:

Public Transportation - Getting Here By Bus / MTR

To Tai Tam Campus (High School & Middle School)

No. 14 (First bus) From Sai Wan Ho MTR
No. 16X and 16M minibus from Chai Wan MTR

The closest stop to our school is Red Hill Plaza, on Tai Tam Road.

To Repulse Bay Campus (Lower & Upper Primary Schools)

Buses No. 6 / 6X / 6A / 260 (City Bus) travel between Central/Admiralty/Wan Chai.  No. 40 (minibus) from Causeway Bay and No. 63 from North Point. The closest stop to our school is Repulse Bay Towers (one stop after Repulse Bay beach).

MTR (subway) to Ocean Park and board bus No. 6A, 6X, 52 (minibus), or 73, 260 (City Bus), stop at Repulse Bay Towers (also, "South Bay Road") stop.

Mailing Address (High School & Middle School):

Hong Kong International School
1 Red Hill Road
Tai Tam
Hong Kong

Mailing Address (Lower & Upper Primary Schools):

Hong Kong International School
23 South Bay Close
Repulse Bay
Hong Kong